Brand Clarity

personal branding

Two men and one woman dressed in business suits standing together in Lake Nona Towncenter plaza.

A branding session isn’t just about taking nice professional photos, it’s about co-creating images that speak to the kind of client you want to attract. The most successful branding sessions can happen with a clear vision and strategic planning. Don’t have a strategic plan outlined yet? That’s ok, I can help.

Here’s a list of questions to help you formulate your brand clarity. Once you have these worked through it will help as we strategize for your session:

  1. What is the ultimate message you want to send to your clients?

2. When someone comes to your site, what is the first thing you want them to feel?

3. What makes your business unique and stand apart from the competition?

4. What are three words that describe your brand?

5. What value do you provide or problem do you solve for your client?

6. How would you describe yourself?

7. What words would your friends use to describe yourself?

8. How do your clients describe you?

9. How do you want your clients to describe you?

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